Trophon Systems
Trophon 2 System
WC_Product_Simple Object
[id:protected] => 5331
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[name] => Trophon 2 System
[slug] => trophon-2
[date_created] => WC_DateTime Object
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[date] => 2019-07-09 11:25:24.000000
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[timezone] => America/New_York
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[date] => 2020-05-28 14:33:25.000000
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[description] =>
Trophon’s high-frequency ultrasonic vibrations generate a sonically activated, supercharged hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) mist that kills bacteria, fungi and viruses.
Ultrasonic vibrations generate sound-wave energy to create an H2O2 ultrafine mist.
The quantity controlled ultrafine hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) mist enters Trophon’s decontamination chamber via side ports and gently swirls around to cover the entire surface of the probe and handle.
The mist particles penetrate even shadowed areas formed by crevices, grooves and imperfections on the probe surface.
A small and controlled dose of sonicated hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) mist ensures compatibility with the materials of trophon approved ultrasound probes.
The Trophon family includes the Trophon® EPR and Trophon®2 devices, which share the same core technology of sonically-activated hydrogen peroxide.
Free radicals disperse, disrupt and kill bacteria, fungi and viruses.
Sonication creates a supercharged mixture of hydrogen peroxide mist containing free radicals that kill bacteria and fungi by reacting with their cell membranes and contents.
The free radicals also react with and damage the molecular structure of viruses, preventing viral infection and replication.
Well documented research shows that that trophon is the first high level disinfection system proven to kill high risk, cancer-causing human papillomavirus (HPV).1,2,3
After disinfection, residual hydrogen peroxide is removed from Trophon’s decontamination chamber and passed through technologically advanced destructors where it is broken down primarily into environmentally-friendly water and oxygen.
The intelligent Trophon control unit enables sensors to monitor temperature, mist volume and flow rates throughout the process, creating and maintaining a reliable HLD environment with every cycle.
A global breakthrough in HLD for intracavity and surface ultrasound probes.
Trophon’s intelligent control unit confirms via an onscreen message that the HLD cycle is complete. Success is also validated by the chemical indicator color change (when the cycle meets the pass criteria the indicator changes color to match the color assessment chart provided).
With these two processes, you can be assured that successful HLD of the probe has occurred.
[short_description] => Quick Overview
trophon’s high-frequency ultrasonic vibrations generate a sonically activated, supercharged hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) mist that kills bacteria, fungi and viruses.
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