  • Sony UPP-84HG

    Quick Overview

    A7 thermal print media for use with the Sony UP-D711MD monochrome digital graphic printer.


    Premium print media with high gloss finish assures near-photographic quality results.


    Approximately 110 A7 prints per roll.



    WC_Product_Simple Object
        [id:protected] => 3910
        [data:protected] => Array
                [name] => Sony UPP-84HG
                [slug] => upp-84hg
                [date_created] => WC_DateTime Object
                        [utc_offset:protected] => 0
                        [date] => 2018-01-25 16:28:02.000000
                        [timezone_type] => 3
                        [timezone] => America/New_York
                [date_modified] => WC_DateTime Object
                        [utc_offset:protected] => 0
                        [date] => 2018-04-24 18:36:27.000000
                        [timezone_type] => 3
                        [timezone] => America/New_York
                [status] => publish
                [featured] => 
                [catalog_visibility] => visible
                [description] => A7 thermal print media for use with the Sony UP-D711MD monochrome digital graphic printer.
    Premium print media with high gloss finish assures near-photographic quality results.
    Approximately 110 A7 prints per roll.
    Media size 84 mm (W) x 12.5 m.
    Technical Specifications
    Please be aware that the features/specifications can differ from country to country
    Specifications Type of Media High Glossy Printing Paper
    Contents 84 mm x 12.5 m
    Paper/Film Size 84 mm x 12.5 m 3 ½ inch x 41ft
    Print Pages for One Roll 110 prints with UP-D711MD
    Supported Printers UP-D711MD
                [short_description] => 

    Quick Overview

    A7 thermal print media for use with the Sony UP-D711MD monochrome digital graphic printer.   Premium print media with high gloss finish assures near-photographic quality results.   Approximately 110 A7 prints per roll.   Media size 84 mm (W) x 12.5 m.   Technical Specifications   Please be aware that the features/specifications can differ from country to country   Specifications Type of Media High Glossy Printing Paper   Contents 84 mm x 12.5 m   Paper/Film Size 84 mm x 12.5 m 3 ½ inch x 41ft   Print Pages for One Roll 110 prints with UP-D711MD   Supported Printers UP-D711MD [sku] => [global_unique_id] => [price] => 97.00 [regular_price] => 97.00 [sale_price] => [date_on_sale_from] => [date_on_sale_to] => [total_sales] => 0 [tax_status] => taxable [tax_class] => [manage_stock] => [stock_quantity] => [stock_status] => instock [backorders] => no [low_stock_amount] => [sold_individually] => [weight] => 4 [length] => [width] => [height] => [upsell_ids] => Array ( ) [cross_sell_ids] => 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